Pierre MAURAGE [CV-English]

FNRS Research Associate / Professor

La cialis isquémica es la enfermedad ocasionada por la arterosclerosis de las arterias coronarias, es decir, las encargadas de proporcionar sangre al músculo cardiaco (miocardio). La arterosclerosis coronaria es un proceso lento de formación de colágeno y acumulación de lípidos (grasas) y células inflamatorias (linfocitos).

+ 32 (0) 10 47 48 04

Research domains

  • Population: Alcohol-dependence and binge drinking.
  • Topics: Emotional, interpersonal and cognitive (attention, executive functions) processes.
  • Tools: Behavioural and neuroscience (EEG, ERPs, fMRI) measures.
  • Other domains: Emotional processing in psychiatric (schizophrenia) and neurological (Huntington Disease) states; crossmodal integration; olfaction

Selected recent publications

(see CV or Google scholar citations report or Research Gate profile for the full publication list)

  • Bollen, Z., Masson, N., Salvaggio, S., D’Hondt, F., & Maurage, P. (2020). Craving is everything: An eye-tracking exploration of attentional bias in binge drinking. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 34(6), 636-647. [pdf]
  • Bollen, Z., Pabst, A., Creupelandt, C., Fontesse, S., Lannoy, S., Pinon, N., & Maurage, P. (2021). Prior drinking motives predict alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 lockdown: A cross-sectional online survey among Belgian college students. Addictive Behaviors, In press.
  • Creupelandt, C., D’Hondt, F., de Timary, P., Falagiarda, F., Collignon, O., & Maurage, P. (2021). Selective visual and crossmodal impairement in the discrimination of anger and fear expressions in severe alcohol use disorder. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 213, 108079. [pdf]
  • Fontesse, S., Stinglhamber, F., Demoulin, S., Chevallereau, T., de Timary, P., Cappeliez, B., Bon, F., Geus, C., Talent, J., Ayache, L., & Maurage, P. (2020). Metadehumanization in severe alcohol-use disorders: links with fundamental needs and clinical outcomes. Addictive Behaviors, 107, 106425. [pdf]
  • Lannoy, S., Dormal, V., Billieux, J., Brion, M., D’Hondt, F., & Maurage, P. (2020). A dual-process exploration of binge drinking: evidence through behavioral and electrophysiological findings. Addiction Biology, 25, e12685. [pdf]
  • Pabst, A., Peyroux, E., Rolland, B., de Timary, P., & Maurage, P. (2020). Hostile attribution bias in severe alcohol use disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 129, 176-180. [pdf]
  • Maurage, P., Masson, N., Bollen, Z., & D’Hondt, F. (2020). Eye tracking correlates of acute alcohol consumption: A systematic and critical review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 108 , 400-422. [pdf]
  • Maurage, P., Pabst, A., Lannoy, S., D’Hondt, F., de Timary, P., Gaudelus, B., & Peyroux, E. (2021). Tackling heterogeneity: Individual variability of emotion decoding deficits in severe alcohol use disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 279, 299-307. [pdf]

PhD students and Post-Docs


  • Clinical Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (LPSYS2736)