Professor, University of Mons
Phone number : 00 32 65 37 31 61


Research domains
  • Psychopathology and mental health in youths (Click here to participate to an online research survey on this topic);
  • Cognitive biases in anxiety disorders (behavioral and electrophysiological measures) ;
  • Interoceptive awareness and self-evaluative biases in anxiety.


Université Catholique de Louvain :

  • Processus psychologiques en psychopathologie pédiatrique (MCC en psychothérapie, année 2)

Key publications
  • Filbrich, L., & Rossignol, M. (2014). Revue Conceptuelle et empirique du traitement des expressions faciales émotionnelles chez l’enfant anxieux. Canadian Psychology.
  • Rossignol, M., Campanella, S., Bissot, C., & Philippot, P. (2013). Fear of negative evaluation and attentional bias for facial expressions: An event-related study. Brain & Cognition, 82, 344-352.
  • Peschard V., Philippot, P., Joassin F., & Rossignol, M. (2013). The role of top-down and bottom-up factors on facial processing in social anxiety: an electrophysiological study. Biological Psychology, 93(1) : 88–96.
  • Rossignol, M., Campanella, S., Maurage, P., Heeren, A., Falbo, L., & Philippot, P. (2012). Enhanced perceptual responses during visual processing of facial stimuli in young social anxious individuals. Neuroscience Letters, 526(1):68-73.
  • Rossignol, M., Philippot, P., Bissot, C., Rigoulot, S., & Campanella, S. (2012). Electrophysiological correlates of vigilance towards faces and disengagement difficulties in social anxiety. Brain Research, 1460:50-62.