Philippe de TIMARY
Philippe de TIMARY [short CV]
Phone number : 02/764.21.60
Research domains
- Population : Alcohol-dependence
- Topics : Emotional, motivational and cognitive processes; personnality factors; psychoneuroendocrinology; inflammation; gut barrier; metabolism
Key publications
- Maurage, P., Joassin, F., Philippot, P., Heeren, A., Vermeulen, N., Mahau, P., Delperdange, C., Corneille, O., Luminet, O., & de Timary, P. (2012). Disrupted regulation of social exclusion in alcohol-dependence: an fMRI study. Neuropsychopharmacology, 37, 2067-2075.
- De Timary, P., Cani, P., Duchemin, J., Neyrinck, A.M., Gihousse, D., Laterre, P.F., Badaoui, A., Leclercq, S., Delzenne, N., & Starkel, P. (2012). The loss of metabolic control on alcohol drinking in heavy drinking, alcohol-dependent subjects. PLoS One, 7, e38682.
- Leclercq, S., Cani, P., Neyrinck, A.M., Starkel, P., Jamar, F., Mikolajczak, M., Delzenne, N., & de Timary, P. (2012). Role of intestinal permeability and inflammation in the biological and behavioural control of alcohol dependent subjects. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 26, 911-918.
- Cirilli, L., De Timary, P., Lefebre, P., & Missal, M. (2011). Individual differences in impulsivity predict anticipatory eye movements. PLoS One, 6, e26699.
- De Timary, P., Roy, E., Luminet, O., Fillee, C., & Mikolajczak, M. (2008). The moderating impact of alexithymia and alexithymia factors on distress-induced salivary cortisol level. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 33, 1160-1164.
- De Timary, P., Luts, A., Hers, D., & Luminet, O. (2008). Absolute and relative stability of
alexithymia in alcoholic inpatients undergoing alcohol withdrawal: relationship to depression and
anxiety. Psychiatry Research, 157, 105-113.
- Psychology
MED 12BA - Interdisciplinary Human Science Seminar
WMED 1385 - Relationship Quality in Medecine