Gaëtan DEVOS


Il tadalafil prezzi il principio attivo del cialis. A partire dal 12 Novembre 2017, è scaduto il brevetto di questo farmaco: il Cialis® "originale". Quindi attualmente in Farmacia, oltre al Cialis® è possibile trovare: tadalafil generico o "Cialis generico", realizzato da industrie farmaceutiche di farmaci generici o equivalenti.

Gaëtan Devos
Ph.D. student
UCL Teaching assistant
+ 32 (0) 47 39 38

Supervisor : Joël Billieux

Research domains

  • Gambling Addictions
  • Impulsivity and gambling persistence
  • Cognitive distorsions in gambling
  • Behavioural Addictions


At the Catholic University of Louvain

  • clinical psychology
  • Addictions
  • Statistics



  • Devos, G., Clark, L., Maurage, P., & Billieux, J. (2018). Induced sadness increases persistence in a simulated slot machine task among recreational gamblers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 32, 383–388.
  • Cornil, A., Lopez-Fernandez, O., Devos, G., de Timary, P., Goudriaan, A.E., & Billieux, J. (2018). Exploring gambling craving through the elaborated intrusion theory of desire: A mixed methods approach. International Gambling Studies, 18, 1-21.​
  • Devos, G., Challet-Bouju, G., Burnay, J., Maurage, P., Grall-Bronnec, M., & Billieux, J. (2017). Adaptation and validation of the Gambling Motives Questionnaire – Financial (GMQ-F) in a Sample of French-Speaking Gamblers. International Gambling Studies, 17, 87-101.
  • Devos, G., Clark, L., Maurage, P., Kazimierczuk, M., & Billieux, J. (2015). Reduced inhibitory control predicts persistence in laboratory slot machine gambling. International Gambling Studies, 15, 408-421.

Book Chapters

  • Devos, G. (2014). Conclusion du colloque CSDP. In N. Nader-Grosbois, O. Luminet, & S. Van den Broucke (Eds.). Articulations Clinique-Recherche : Des Outils nouveaux à la disposition du clinicien. Louvain-la-Neuve : Presse Universitaire de Louvain (pp. 134-140).
  • Blagan, E., Cappeliez, V., Devos, G., Hardy, L., Schinkus, L., Schul, E., Wattier, G., Weisgerber, A. (2013). Tobbaco. in M. Mikolajczak (ed.) Interventions in health psychology. Paris: Dunod (pp195-218).

Scientific associations

  • Groupe de Réflexion en Psychopathologie Cognitive (GREPACO) [membre]